August 2024

#WhyIRun – The Saskatchewan Pediatric Rheumatology Research IDEA Lab

By |August 24th, 2024|#WhyIRun, Research, Saskatchewan, Stories|

#WhyIRun The Saskatchewan Pediatric Rheumatology Research IDEA Lab Did you know that the University of Saskatchewan has one of the longest, continuously operating pediatric rheumatology research programs in the world? Read more to learn why the IDEA lab is proud to partner with Cassie + Friends and support activities like our annual [...]

October 2023

Seeing Possibilities after Diagnosis: a Uveitis Story

By |October 24th, 2023|About JIA, Advice, Advocacy, Blog, CREW, Rare Disease, Saskatchewan, Stories, Uveitis|

Throughout my life I have been granted many titles; mom, wife, daughter, registered nurse, and writer are just a few. These are the titles that are associated with my name. I could be described as outgoing, humorous, modest, and perhaps kind too. These would be some characteristics that people from a distance would use [...]

June 2022

Introducing Saskatchewan’s very own Juvenile Arthritis Party this June 18th!

By |June 10th, 2022|Current Events, Saskatchewan|

We are very excited to let you know about Saskatchewan's very first juvenile arthritis event in support of Cassie + Friends is happening Saturday, June 18th, in Forget, SK, The Juvenile Arthritis Party! Hosted by Juvenile Arthritis Parent and event planning extraordinaire, Renee P., we are thrilled to be raising awareness for kids and [...]

October 2021

Learning to Live with JIA

By |October 5th, 2021|Current Events, JIA, Newly Diagnosed, Post- Secondary, Saskatchewan, Stories, Teen Transitions|

Hello,  My name is Emma Linsley, and I am from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. When I was 15 years old, I was diagnosed with JIA. Along with needing to learn to manage the physical ailments of the disease, this diagnosis brought with it a complex set of other challenges that my support network and I would [...]

October 2020

Becki Zerr: No Stranger to JA and Uveitis

By |October 22nd, 2020|Saskatchewan, Stories, Uveitis|

Uveitis (inflammation of the eye) is a serious complication occurring in 20% of children with Juvenile Arthritis, a condition that is hard to diagnose without regular eye screening. Treatment of Uveitis can often be aggressive, sometimes calling for eye drops multiple times a day in order to prevent vision loss and permanent damage to [...]

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