October 2023

Seeing Possibilities after Diagnosis: a Uveitis Story

By |October 24th, 2023|About JIA, Advice, Advocacy, blog, CREW, Rare Disease, Sask Stories, Stories, Uveitis|

Throughout my life I have been granted many titles; mom, wife, daughter, registered nurse, and writer are just a few. These are the titles that are associated with my name. I could be described as outgoing, humorous, modest, and perhaps kind too. These would be some characteristics that people from a distance would use [...]

October 2020

Becki Zerr: No Stranger to JA and Uveitis

By |October 22nd, 2020|Sask Stories, Stories, Uveitis|

Uveitis (inflammation of the eye) is a serious complication occurring in 20% of children with Juvenile Arthritis, a condition that is hard to diagnose without regular eye screening. Treatment of Uveitis can often be aggressive, sometimes calling for eye drops multiple times a day in order to prevent vision loss and permanent damage to [...]

November 2018

January 2012

Cassie’s Story

By |January 12th, 2012|Stories, Uveitis|

CASSIE Juvenile arthritis became a part of our family and our lives in September of 2006. One morning Cassie, then only 20 months old, wouldn’t walk when we took her out of her crib. After a ton of tests, we ultimately received the diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. We couldn’t imagine that our little [...]

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