May 2021

Parenting a child with JIA: Fear, uncertainty, hope, and an endless list of questions

By |May 13th, 2021|Advice, JIA, Mental Health, Mental Health (Caregivers), Stories|

I am the proud mother to a vibrant 3.5-year-old, Émilie, who was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) shortly before her second birthday. We were fortunate as a family to receive a diagnosis in a relatively rapid timeframe thanks to knowledge about navigating the health care system (I work as a nurse) and a [...]

The Story Behind the Session Putting on Your Life Jacket: Self-care for Caregivers, Parenting a Child with Chronic Disease, and more!

By |May 13th, 2021|Advice, Mental Health (Caregivers), Stories|

Parenting is joyful, frustrating, rewarding and exhausting. Parenting a child with a chronic disease gives you a double dose of it all; you face challenges most parents never dream of. You juggle doctors, therapists, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmacies and the list goes on. Then there are the emotional and behavioural issues you deal with.  [...]

March 2021

The impact of JIA pain and its treatments on parents

By |March 19th, 2021|Current Research, Injection, Mental Health, Mental Health (Caregivers), Research|

“Every furrow of her brow makes me want to stop” If you have ever struggled to give your child an injection or to manage your child’s - or your own - emotions about their treatments, you are not alone!  In the lead up to our Methotrexate session, we talked with Yvonne Brandelli, PhD Student, [...]

July 2020

Self-care, self-injections, and other self-management tips from our youth panelists.

By |July 30th, 2020|Advice, Mental Health, Pain Tips, Teen Transitions, Virtual Youth Panel|

The Virtual Youth Panel event is now available for viewing on Youtube and IGTV. You'll find timestamps of the video on Youtube to direct you to the questions/answers you'll want to hear the most. This is an excellent resource to share with relatives, friends, sports coaches and teachers to help them understand life with [...]

May 2020

Mental Health Week 2020: Alison’s journey with mental health and arthritis

By |May 7th, 2020|Mental Health, News, Teen Transitions, TMJ|

Alison Legge is a member of the Cassie + Friends Youth Leader Committee. She spoke at Cassie + Friends Family Day 2016 as a youth champion, speaking about the impact chronic disease has had on her mental health. A lot has happened since then, and Alison has learned she is not alone and there [...]

April 2018

Alison’s story: Navigating JIA mental health

By |April 16th, 2018|Family Day, Mental Health, Post- Secondary, Stories, YLN|

At Family Day 2016, Cassie and Friends volunteer Alison Legge gave a powerful speech about Juvenile Arthritis and the effect it has on mental health. This February, Alison underwent bilateral TMJ replacement surgery to ease the pain in her jaw, and is currently having a speedy recovery. She is now the chair of Cassie and Friends’ [...]

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