October 2020

Diagnosed. By Trish Peters

By |October 13th, 2020|Advice, Current Events, High School, Home Page, newly diagnosed, Post- Secondary, School Toolkit, Stories, Teen Transitions, Virtual Youth Panel, YLN|

Trish is an inspiring community leader and one who has already accomplished so much in her young life. Having completed her Bachelor's Degree in Commerce, she is now pursuing a Master's Degree in the Netherlands, demonstrating her unwavering dedication to her education and personal growth. Trish's unique life experiences have given her a diverse [...]

July 2020

Self-care, self-injections, and other self-management tips from our youth panelists.

By |July 30th, 2020|Advice, Mental Health, Pain Tips, Teen Transitions, Virtual Youth Panel|

The Virtual Youth Panel event is now available for viewing on Youtube and IGTV. You'll find timestamps of the video on Youtube to direct you to the questions/answers you'll want to hear the most. This is an excellent resource to share with relatives, friends, sports coaches and teachers to help them understand life with [...]

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