October 2023

Seeing Possibilities after Diagnosis: a Uveitis Story

By |October 24th, 2023|About JIA, Advice, Advocacy, Blog, CREW, Rare Disease, Saskatchewan, Stories, Uveitis|

Throughout my life I have been granted many titles; mom, wife, daughter, registered nurse, and writer are just a few. These are the titles that are associated with my name. I could be described as outgoing, humorous, modest, and perhaps kind too. These would be some characteristics that people from a distance would use [...]

September 2022

May 2022

Read Why I’m a Team C+F Youth Ambassador

By |May 16th, 2022|About JIA, Advice, JIA, Physical Activity, Resources, School, Stories|

In early 2022 we launched the Team Cassie + Friends Youth Ambassador program to support youth in raising awareness of JA and other rheumatic diseases within their school community. Soleil is one of our first Team C+F Youth Ambassadors! This month she will give a presentation to her entire school on Juvenile Arthritis and [...]

March 2022

Q+A with Carrie Ritchie, C + F Board Member, on her daughter’s recent JIA diagnosis. 

By |March 11th, 2022|About JIA, JIA, Stories|

Meet Carrie Ritchie! Carrie is a member of the Cassie + Friends National Board of Directors and a parent of a child with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. We caught up with Carrie to learn about her family's journey with juvenile arthritis over the last 2 years. As a board member, Carrie looks forward to helping [...]

Take Action: 5 Simple Ways to Recognize Juvenile Arthritis Month

By |March 3rd, 2022|About JIA, Advocacy, Current Events, JIA, YLN|

It's #JuvenileArthritisAwarenessMonth, what can I do to help? To make it easy for you to get involved, we've put together 5 Simple Ways to Recognize Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month. From educating classmates to participating in fundraising events (such as our Cassie + Friends Run/Walk for Juvenile Arthritis- check out #1), we have the opportunity [...]

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