It’s #JuvenileArthritisAwarenessMonth, what can I do to help?

To make it easy for you to get involved, we’ve put together 5 Simple Ways to Recognize Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month. From educating classmates to participating in fundraising events (such as our Cassie + Friends Run/Walk for Juvenile Arthritis- check out #1), we have the opportunity to improve the lives of youth living with JA and their families!

Tip: If you’re the type of person who needs to write things down and tell someone about your pledge, we’re all ears and would love to cheer you on along the way. Just email us!

Why should I raise awareness?

As many families impacted by Juvenile Arthritis (JA) are aware, one of the biggest challenges is the lack of awareness and public education that kids can get arthritis. How would you feel if someone questioned your pain or told you that you were faking it? Youth with JA are all too familiar with learning to advocate and stand up for themselves at a young age, something youth without JA never even have to consider.  JA is an invisible illness and sometimes symptoms can fluctuate from day-to-day or even morning to afternoon.  This can make it hard for youth who are learning to advocate for themselves, who are on aggressive medications or are struggling to keep up with their peers to get the accommodations they need. More awareness can also lead to quicker diagnosis’ in children, safer and more supportive environments at schools and in sports, and more funding for research and support programs. Currently, there is no cure for JA and youth can only hope their arthritis goes into remission.

This March, we encourage you to pick at least one way to step up for kids in pain from the list below!

1. Lace up your running shoes and run/walk for Juvenile Arthritis

Sign up for a Team Cassie + Friends Run/Walk for Juvenile Arthritis in-person event (Hamilton, Halifax, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, London, Toronto & Windsor) or participate

 virtually to step up for kids and families affected by pediatric rheumatic disease. Team Cassie + Friends is our largest annual fundraiser and an excellent community-building event to connect with other families, educate friends and family, and fundraise for the urgently needed research and support programs our community needs. Find a run in your area and get started today!

When our family joined the Cassie + Friends Team in 2021, I felt empowered! Parenting a child with an unpredictable disease like SJIA can be disheartening, but running and raising funds made it feel like we could make a change. My husband and I were very surprised, and encouraged, by the support we received from family and friends. We’re looking forward to running again this year!” – Jessica Bugayong

2. Become a Team C+F Youth Ambassador

It’s important that youth with JA feel comfortable, accommodated, and supported in their classroom and extracurricular activities. Kids with arthritis deserve to thrive! This year we launched the Team Cassie + Friends Youth Ambassador Program to encourage youth to educate their classmates and host a 1 km fun-run in support of juvenile arthritis at school or in their community!

  • Encourage your classmates/teammates to watch “Juvenile Arthritis: The Movie” or ask your teacher about showing it in the classroom. We made this 16-minute video to teach elementary students and teachers about Juvenile Arthritis and how to be a supportive peer/educator.
  • Present or encourage your classmates/teammates to have a look at our presentation on JIA geared towards educating secondary students.
  • Use Juvenile Arthritis as a topic for a school project! Check out how our 2021 C+F Youth Leader Award recipient, Tyler Mah, tied in juvenile arthritis to his class assignment.
3. Share your story on social media using the hashtag #MakeMarchCount & #JuvenileArthritisAwarenessMonth
  • Share your Juvenile Arthritis Story with us on social media or on our blog. Talking about your journey with JA can make you feel good, and also bring comfort to others going through similar experiences.
  • In 2022, we are reflecting back on how far we’ve come in the last 15 years (thanks to the help from our community!), and where we would like to be in 15 years with you by our side. Why 15? Team Cassie + Friends Run/Walk (mentioned above) was our very first official fundraiser for Juvenile Arthritis back in 2007, 15 years ago!
  1. We encourage you to create a short video/Instagram reel/ TikTok with what you hope for Juvenile Arthritis patients in 15 years (ie. no kid has to live in pain, medications will have fewer side effects, no weekly needles, etc.).
  2. Instead of a video, you can also provide 2-3 sentences of what you hope for JA patients in 15 years with a photo.
  3. Use the hashtags #15YearsAgo and #15YearsFromNow when posting your videos and photos and send them to to be shared on our social media!

Looking for inspiration? Visit our JA Awareness Month Highlight on our Instagram (@cafsociety) to see how others are sharing their stories with JA!

WORD DAY4. On March 18th, recognize World yOung Rheumatic Disease Day (WORD Day)!

We’re teaming up with our friends at @Rheumours to recognize WORD Day!

  • Wear blue to spread awareness and start a conversation about WORD Day. Did you know that blue is the colour for arthritis?
  • Follow along with Cassie + Friends and Rheumour’s WORD Day Instagram Takeover!
  • Share information throughout the day on the basics of Juvenile Arthritis such as:
    1. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a painful, chronic autoimmune disease that affects 3 in 1000 children in Canada
    2. JIA symptoms fluctuate throughout the day and from day to day. These symptoms often include joint pain, swelling, and stiffness, fatigue, redness/rashes, and skin feeling warm to the touch.
    3. JIA is treated with therapy and medication which can have side effects impacting behaviour and comfort.
5. Become a Monthly Donor or make a one-time donation!

Support juvenile arthritis research and family support programs by becoming a monthly donor or by making a one-time donation! Even just $10, $20 or $50 dollars per month can make a big difference in reaching our vision of a pain-free future for kids. I hope you will show your support today!

Why donate now? During the month of March, CanadaHelps will make a one-time extra donation of $20 to Cassie + Friends for every new monthly gift of $20 or more set up before March 31st. 2022.