November 2023

October 2023

Lily’s Journey to Diagnosis, Methotrexate, and Finding A Community of Support

By |October 19th, 2023|Injection, JIA, Medication, Methotrexate, Newly Diagnosed, School, School Toolkit, TMJ|

Meet Lily. One morning, at the young age of 2, our daughter Lily woke up limping and her left knee looked slightly swollen. She didn't seem to show that she was in pain, but was refraining from putting weight on her left leg. We had no idea what happened and didn't recall any [...]

OPT-JIA Premedication Trial

By |October 17th, 2023|Blog, Current Research, Future Research, Injection, JIA, Medication, Research|

When I first heard of the medication Ondansetron, I couldn’t help but think about how its name sounded like a character from the Transformers movies. While this medication doesn’t fight space aliens or have a special effects budget, it does hold the capacity to TRANSFORM lives. How might you ask?Methotrexate is a [...]

August 2023

C+F Inventing Room: Reinventing the Injection Experience for Kids and Families Affected by JA and other childhood rheumatic diseases in Canada

By |August 31st, 2023|Advice, Advocacy, Blog, Injection, Medication|

Inspired by the Roald Dahl Charity’s Marvellous Nurse Inventing Rooms, on August 23rd, we hosted our very own C+F Inventing Room to ask the community and together envision what our C+F Injection Coping Kits should include. With the help of medical experts, parents and youth, we dove in and got to work! We started [...]

March 2023

Honor Student. Elite Athlete. JIA Warrior.

By |March 22nd, 2023|High School, Injection, JIA, Medication, Movement, Pain Tips, Physical Activity, Post- Secondary, Stories, Teen Transitions|

"If you told me a few years ago that I would be pursuing my dream of playing post-secondary volleyball at Dalhousie University, I would have laughed out loud because at the time it seemed near to impossible." Meet Ella. In April of 2020, I was diagnosed with a rheumatic condition you are probably [...]

November 2021

September 2021

My Medication Journey by Julie Beausoleil

By |September 1st, 2021|Injection, JIA, Stories|

Written by young adult JIA patient, Julie Beausoleil, this blog post was originally published by on June 29th, 2021. Take A Pain Check is a juvenile arthritis focussed podcast hosted by 18 year old Natasha Trehan, that provides a recognizable platform for youth and young adults to share their experience with arthritis in addition [...]

March 2021


By |March 30th, 2021|

medications biologics methotrexate biosimilars There are many different medications used to treat and manage juvenile arthritis (JA) and other rheumatic diseases. Here are the main types of JA drugs and their generic names. Medications can be taken [...]

Comments Off on Medication

The impact of JIA pain and its treatments on parents

By |March 19th, 2021|Current Research, Injection, Mental Health, Mental Health (Caregivers), Research|

“Every furrow of her brow makes me want to stop” If you have ever struggled to give your child an injection or to manage your child’s - or your own - emotions about their treatments, you are not alone!  In the lead up to our Methotrexate session, we talked with Yvonne Brandelli, PhD Student, [...]

January 2019

Erika and Elena’s arthritis journey: Staying strong through the ups and downs

By |January 31st, 2019|Advice, Injection, Stories|

My daughter Elena was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis at age 2. Arthritis? That was an elderly person’s disease, I thought. I had no idea the depth of the disease or what would lie ahead for us. First, she started with redness and swelling in her knees. I took her into the doctor and they [...]

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