November 2021

Will you join Jeremy as part of our CREW?

By |November 24th, 2021|Advocacy, Calgary, CREW, JIA, Scotiabank Charity Challenge|

There are lots of ways to show your support for the Juvenile Arthritis community on #GivingTuesday - like, share, educate and, of course, donate. To get inspired, we thought you might like to meet Jeremy from our Calgary CREW. On Nov 30th, we hope you'll join Jeremy and our CREW of parents/friends all across [...]

September 2021

Medical Advisory Committee: Biosimilars

By |September 1st, 2021|Advocacy, Current Events, Medication|

This article was written and reviewed by the Cassie + Friends Medical Advisory Committee made up of Dr. Roberta Berard (London Health Sciences Centre), Dr. Nadia Luca (Alberta Children's Hospital) and Dr. Lori Tucker (BC Children's Hospital). To learn more about the Cassie + Friends Medical Advisory Committee, click here. Some youth and families may [...]

August 2021

Arthritis Awareness Month: Let’s Make Juvenile Arthritis a National Priority.

By |August 30th, 2021|Advocacy, Current Events, News|

6.5 million people are affected by arthritis in Canada and about 24,000 of them are children. Cassie + Friends is just for them. Kids like Audrey (pictured right) - diagnosed at just 18 months - need our help to make sure their health and futures are a priority, even beyond the dedicated care from [...]

From Clips to Cause: How one Windsor youth is giving back to the rheumatic disease community.

By |August 12th, 2021|Advocacy, JIA, London, Stories|

Hi, my name is Savannah and I am a second-year university student studying kinesiology and living in Windsor, Ontario. I was diagnosed in grade school with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). A while ago, a member of my care team suggested I google Cassie + Friends to learn about the programs and resources offered for [...]

May 2021

A Call to #PrioritizePain with Cassie + Friends

By |May 14th, 2021|Advocacy|

Cassie + Friends is joining other leading pain and pain-related organizations to support the recommendations of the #CanadianPainTaskForce and call for their implementation. Over the next week, we will be sharing some of the targeted recommendations laid out in “An Action Plan for Pain in Canada” and why they are important to kids, youth [...]

April 2021

Hacking our way to a pain-free future for kids. 

By |April 29th, 2021|Advocacy, Current Events|

How can we best transform the lives of youth affected by rheumatic diseases through Cassie + Friends? This March, in recognition of juvenile arthritis awareness month and #WORDDay, we hosted the very first Cassie + Friends Hackathon to get creative and collaborative around community-driven solutions that answer the question “How can we best transform [...]

March 2021

Hacking the future of JIA Care #WORDDay2021

By |March 16th, 2021|Advocacy, Resources|

In recognition of World yOung Rheumatic Disease (WORD) Day, we’re bringing together 16 youth, parents, and healthcare professionals to “hack” their way to innovative solutions to the question: How can we best transform the lives of youth affected by rheumatic diseases through Cassie + Friends? What is a Hackathon?  Rooted in the concept of [...]

Toronto Star: Is a Pain-Free Future in Reach for kids with Arthritis?

By |March 15th, 2021|Advocacy, Current Events, Home Page|

Dear Friends + Partners, As part of our advocacy for Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month, I am pleased to let you know about a special editorial by Cassie + Friends appearing today in the Toronto Star newspaper and digitally on Click here for a link to the full article. Your voice is so important [...]

March is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

By |March 1st, 2021|Advocacy, Current Events, News|

Every three in 1000 Canadian children will be diagnosed with a rheumatic disease like Juvenile Arthritis, Lupus, Fever Syndromes, Vasculitis, JDM and more. Some will develop a related eye condition that, left untreated, can cause blindness. Up to 60% will have active disease into adulthood. This March, we’re asking you to stand with us [...]

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