March 2024

March is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month!

By |March 15th, 2024|Advocacy, CREW, Current Events|

Did you know that March is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month in Canada? Here at Cassie + Friends, we have been raising awareness and providing support to the JA community since 2007! We are the only charity in Canada exclusively dedicated to the pediatric rheumatic disease community and our dedication shows! From our Team Cassie [...]

October 2023

Seeing Possibilities after Diagnosis: a Uveitis Story

By |October 24th, 2023|About JIA, Advice, Advocacy, Blog, CREW, Rare Disease, Saskatchewan, Stories, Uveitis|

Throughout my life I have been granted many titles; mom, wife, daughter, registered nurse, and writer are just a few. These are the titles that are associated with my name. I could be described as outgoing, humorous, modest, and perhaps kind too. These would be some characteristics that people from a distance would use [...]

Mental Health Workgroup

By |October 17th, 2023|Advocacy, Mental Health, Mental Health (For Youth), Research|

National Pediatric Rheumatology Mental Health Workgroup Cassie + Friends has led the formation of a new workgroup on Pediatric Rheumatology Mental Health to improve mental health care and outcomes for children with rheumatologic diseases. The goal of this Mental Health Workgroup is to develop strategies to improve research, care, and outcomes about mental [...]

August 2023

C+F Inventing Room: Reinventing the Injection Experience for Kids and Families Affected by JA and other childhood rheumatic diseases in Canada

By |August 31st, 2023|Advice, Advocacy, Blog, Injection, Medication|

Inspired by the Roald Dahl Charity’s Marvellous Nurse Inventing Rooms, on August 23rd, we hosted our very own C+F Inventing Room to ask the community and together envision what our C+F Injection Coping Kits should include. With the help of medical experts, parents and youth, we dove in and got to work! We started [...]

June 2023

Get to know our Youth Ambassador of of the Year, Alejandra Van Dusen

By |June 8th, 2023|Advocacy, Mental Health (For Youth), Post- Secondary, Stories, Teen Transitions|

“As a young adult with JIA I have experienced firsthand just how much goes on at this age. School, work, relationships, newfound independence, transition… I wanted to create resources with short pieces of patient-driven advice to help others like me navigate the constant changes of life with rheumatic disease.” [...]

Tough as Nails: A Father Reflects on his Two Daughters and Childhood Rheumatic Disease

By |June 5th, 2023|Advocacy, High School, JIA, Post- Secondary, Rare Disease, Stories, TMJ|

"We're very proud of our girls for showing the fortitude needed to not let these diseases define them." Hello families! My name is Mike Wiens, husband to Jesica and father to two girls, Vanessa 24 yrs old, and Sarah 23 yrs old. We're happy to call Port Moody, BC our home since relocating here [...]

May 2023

Mental Health Matters: Kaese’s Journey With JA

By |May 5th, 2023|Advocacy, JIA, Mental Health, Mental Health (For Youth), Stories|

"Feelings and emotions are real, and should be felt and openly discussed." Meet Kaese and his mom, Jennifer. Together, they have chosen to share their story of being diagnosed with JIA and the many impacts that can have on a child and family's mental health. To read more Cassie + Friends' Youth Mental [...]

March 2023

Other Ways You Can Help

By |March 9th, 2023|

More Fun Ways To Get Involved Cassie + Friends relies on our community to help take initiative in spreading awareness about juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases by leading new and fun fundraisers. There are so many easy ways to get involved such as creating a birthday fundraiser on Facebook or a starting your [...]

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August 2022

What Canadian Juvenile Arthritis Families Think About Telemedicine in COVID-19

By |August 20th, 2022|Advocacy, COVID, CREW, Current Events, Research|

Canadian Pediatric Rheumatology Families in the Spotlight! We want to thank every parent and youth who participated in our survey to find out more about Canadian families' preferences and experiences with Telemedicine practices during COVID-19. Your results have been published as a scientific research paper - here's our summary below and a link to [...]

March 2022

Take Action: 5 Simple Ways to Recognize Juvenile Arthritis Month

By |March 3rd, 2022|About JIA, Advocacy, Current Events, JIA, YLN|

It's #JuvenileArthritisAwarenessMonth, what can I do to help? To make it easy for you to get involved, we've put together 5 Simple Ways to Recognize Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month. From educating classmates to participating in fundraising events (such as our Cassie + Friends Run/Walk for Juvenile Arthritis- check out #1), we have the opportunity [...]

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