We are proud to support kids and families who are interested in supporting Cassie + Friends through do-it-yourself fundraisers! To help you get started, we have complied a list of ideas that put the FUN in fundraising! Please let us know if you need help getting started, spreading the word about your initiative, or support of any kind along the way!
And don’t forget- any fundraising initiative may be eligible for the Youth Leader Awards, which includes nationwide recognition and a $500 prize! Learn more here.

Sell something
Friendship bracelets or art, painted rocks or Christmas ornaments- trade something for every donation so the donor will remember Cassie + Friends and feel special every time they look at it. Check out what artist Iyla did by trading a piece of art for each donation here.
Host a change drive
Get a couple of large empty jars and start collecting spare change! Ask us for stickers or the C+F logo and ask your family, neighbors, or teachers to donate their spare change. You could even ask local businesses to get involved!
See how good it feels to be making a change… with change!
Play the guessing game
Have you ever tried to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar? Charge a small amount to guess, $1 or $2 for a ticket. Whoever guesses the correct answer wins the jar! And it doesn’t have to be jelly beans- feel free to get creative! Have fun, and raise some money!
Make lemonade
You might have heard of our Youth Leader Award winner, Jake, whose lemonade stands are famous in his hometown of Stratford- in fact, the local hockey team invites him to set up sometimes when they have games! He’s hosted nine so far and they have grown bigger and more successful each time! People love a cold glass of lemonade, especially when it’s for a good cause.

Host a pizza party
You could do this at school or at home- either ask a local pizzeria to donate the pizzas for charity (they might be more willing than you think!) or buy them and sell the slices to raise money for a great cause- Cassie + Friends! Ask us about potential pizza partnerships in your area, or check out this Little Ceasars link.
Organize a talent show
Sell tickets to a talent show where kids can sing, dance, or lip-sync for charity! You could do it in your backyard, in a gym, or even at a community center. We love the idea of a lip-synching competition! Be sure to tag us in your photos!
Host a car wash
You always see this one in the movies- a car wash is a great way to raise money for charity! It can take a bit more planning because you need multiple people and supplies, but with a little help and motivation, this one could be a huge success! Everyone needs their car washed, after all!
Host a spelling bee
One of our four pillars is education, so this one speaks to that! Learn and test yourself against other kids as you vy for the celebrated title of spelling bee champion! Encourage students to participate and charge admission for spectators. You will be surprised how exciting a spelling bee can… bee!
Restaurant night
Approach local restaurants (we can help you with a template letter if you want one) and find out if they would be willing to donate a small percentage of their sales to charity- we can help you advertise and encourage people to dine at that restaurant on the day!
Alternatively, some restaurants already offer a fundraising option- for example, Red Robin offers Spirit Night Fundraisers where 20% of the profits goes to your organization!
Chipotle does too!
Organize a pajama day at school
Who doesn’t love wearing their pajamas all day? Check with your principal and choose a day where, with a donation, students can wear their PJ’s to school and stay cozy all day! Bonus points if you end class early to eat cereal and watch cartoons.
Clean-up challenge
Clean up the streets, the park or the beach in your community and raise money! Organize teams and ask for donations based on how many bags they fill up. This friendly competition will make picking up trash fun!
You could do this with many activities- mini-golf, the movie theater, or a place with games- see if they would be willing to donate a portion of their profits to charity- or plan an event and sell tickets, with the proceeds going to charity!
Yard sale
With spring on the horizon, what better time to clean up your clutter! Ask some friends, family, or neighbors if they have anything to donate to the sale. Make sure everyone knows the proceeds are going to a good cause!
Bottle drive or birthday fundraiser
See below for details, and as always, reach out anytime to learn more!

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