October 2023

Mental Health Workgroup

By |October 17th, 2023|Advocacy, Mental Health, Mental Health (For Youth), Research|

National Pediatric Rheumatology Mental Health Workgroup Cassie + Friends has led the formation of a new workgroup on Pediatric Rheumatology Mental Health to improve mental health care and outcomes for children with rheumatologic diseases. The goal of this Mental Health Workgroup is to develop strategies to improve research, care, and outcomes about mental [...]

August 2022

What Canadian Juvenile Arthritis Families Think About Telemedicine in COVID-19

By |August 20th, 2022|Advocacy, COVID, CREW, Current Events, Research|

Canadian Pediatric Rheumatology Families in the Spotlight! We want to thank every parent and youth who participated in our survey to find out more about Canadian families' preferences and experiences with Telemedicine practices during COVID-19. Your results have been published as a scientific research paper - here's our summary below and a link to [...]

May 2018

Why I Run: Marie’s Story

By |May 28th, 2018|JDM, Rare Disease Stories, Scotiabank Charity Challenge, Stories|

I want to let you know why I am walking this Charity Challenge for Cassie and Friends.  “Autoimmunity is the system of immune responses of an organism against its own healthy cells and tissues. Any disease that results from such an aberrant immune response is termed an 'autoimmune disease.'" My dad’s cousin Gladys Marie [...]

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