
The Saskatchewan Pediatric Rheumatology Research IDEA Lab

Did you know that the University of Saskatchewan has one of the longest, continuously operating pediatric rheumatology research programs in the world? Read more to learn why the IDEA lab is proud to partner with Cassie + Friends and support activities like our annual Saskatoon Run/Walk on September 7th, which raises critical funds for research, education, and free medical equipment for families offered in partnership with the Pediatric Rheumatology clinic at Jim Pattison’s Children’s Hospital. Below, Dr. Alan Rosenberg shares more about how the IDEA lab team is using $15,000 donated by Cassie + Friends to create new pathways for youth, families, and the community to get involved in and learn about childhood rheumatic disease research.

The University of Saskatchewan’s Pediatric Rheumatology Research IDEA Lab is dedicated to improving the lives of children with rheumatic diseases. Childhood rheumatic diseases are a group of conditions that are characterized by inflammation in joints, bones, muscles, and other organs. The IDEA Lab at the University of Saskatchewan, one of the longest, continuously operating pediatric rheumatology research programs in the world, is leading and participating in research locally, nationally, and internationally. IDEA Lab research aims to discover the causes and mechanisms of childhood rheumatic diseases and, in partnership with other scientists and with patients and their families, strives to develop innovative prevention and treatment strategies. 

The IDEA Lab Team includes pediatric rheumatologists, experienced and specially trained nurses, research assistants, students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and patient and parent representatives. Research conducted by the IDEA Lab team is strengthened by collaborations with many investigators from other research disciplines. More information about the IDEA Lab Team can be found here

Currently, the IDEA Lab is conducting research to better understand the mechanisms, causes, and very earliest origins of childhood arthritis; factors that lead to the occurrence of eye inflammation (uveitis) associated with childhood arthritis; links between oral health and childhood arthritis; biological mechanisms that lead to organ inflammation in lupus; and pathology of bone in non-infectious bone inflammation, as some examples.  Further information about the various IDEA Lab projects can be found here

Since its creation in 1981, The Saskatchewan Pediatric Rheumatology IDEA Lab’s research has been possible because of very generous support from many agencies, organizations, institutions, families, individuals, and corporations. More information about the Lab’s funding partners can be found here.  

Cassie + Friends has been an invaluable supporter of the IDEA Lab by providing funding to help ensure that the Lab’s research activities and results are effectively mobilized to action.  The Cassie + Friends Run/Walk events held throughout Canada have been so successful in raising funds for research, education, and connecting and supporting patients and their families.  In Saskatchewan, funds raised through the Run/Walk event will allow the IDEA Lab to continue to inform patients, families, and the community about research projects and results.   

With Cassie + Friends funding support, the IDEA Lab can offer opportunities for patients, families, and communities to become engaged in research activities.   For example, we invite children and teens to consider becoming involved in two programs offered by the IDEA Lab:  The Kid’s Curiosity Rheum Program and the Creative Art in Rheumatology Program. 

The Kid’s Curiosity Rheum Program is intended for curious kids between the ages of 8 and 17 years who have interesting questions they would like to have a scientist answer about medical research, how human bodies work, or about arthritis or other rheumatic diseases.  We are looking for curious kids to interview scientists on the Kid’s Curiosity Rheum Podcast. More information about the Kid’s Curiosity Rheum Podcast can be found here

The IDEA Lab’s Creative Art in Rheumatology (CAIR) program invites partnerships with visual, performing, and literary artists to create art that helps enhance communication of the Lab’s research activities and results.  More information about the CAIR program can be found here

The Saskatchewan Pediatric Rheumatology IDEA Lab is very grateful to those who contribute so generously to Cassie + Friends through activities such as the annual Run/Walk events.  This crucial support allows the Lab to make discoveries that will benefit children and families affected by a rheumatic disease.

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