Virtual Education Session Testimonials
“I attended a webinar about medication because at the time I had been having a lot of side effects from the medication I was on and I wanted to hear other peoples experiences with the same or similar medication. It was really helpful to learn that a lot of people go through the same thing I did and that really helped me.” – Alyssa O’Connell,
“I have really enjoyed the webinars put on by your organization. I was diagnosed with JRA 40 years ago. I had incredible rheumatology support by Dr. Alan Rosenberg as a child and I am now seen by a fantastic adult rheumatologist. That being said, most available support, research, etc. that is readily available pertains to a later onset diagnosis. I have found Cassie and friends helpful and remarkably relatable. Although I am an adult now, living with a juvenile diagnosed form of arthritis, I still find the Cassie + Friends webinars extremely applicable. I am appreciative that there is a group now available for those who are living at various stages of their JIA diagnosis. Thank you for your webinars, I look forward to attending more in the future” – Becki Zerr
“The virtual webinars have been very beneficial for myself. I would highly recommend them for parents or children to find more about SJIA and continuing to work to find a cure.” – Mark Roxborough / Vancouver, BC
“The webinars are such a vital way to stay informed, help learn more about research, medications, management and more. I also love using them as a resource for the grandparents, friends and family as well. “ – Marissa Sangers
“Cassie and Friends has provided me with the incredible opportunity to build friendships and meet other young people with rheumatic disease. I always leave Cassie and Friends webinars with a better understanding of my disease and feel validated to know other young people are going through the same social and health-related challenges as me.” – Morgan Harris
“As a Master’s Degree student at UBC, I am often exposed to a lot of information regarding rheumatic conditions. But having grown up with one myself, nothing is more impactful than having genuine conversations with healthcare professionals who truly care about your well-being. Attending webinars for rare rheumatic conditions, like my own, allows me to learn new research and information about my disease, ask questions, and hear the lived experiences of families who have gone through similar situations.” – Nicole Pereira
If you have attended a Virtual Education Session with Cassie + Friends and would like to share your testimonial, email kelly@cassieandfriends.ca.