April 2019

UCAN Ride4Kids (Day 1 to 3) – Updates from the Road from Dr. Jaime Guzman

By |April 29th, 2019|Advocacy, Current Events, Research, UCAN Ride4Kids|

Day 1 Under clear skies and magnificent views of the Lake Louise Glacier an intrepid group of riders representing Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico and The Netherlands started the 2019 UCAN Ride4Kids. Attendants to the Childhood Arthritis and Beyond Conference enthusiastically bid farewell to the riders and after an inspiring speech by David Porte, Chairman [...]

October 2018

Your input needed! Help us relieve children’s JIA pain

By |October 25th, 2018|Advocacy, Current Events, News|

Parents, we hear you! Help us prepare your child and YOU for JIA and JIA treatment-related pain. If you are like most parents in our community, pain, medications (giving medications, side effects, etc) and associated mental health issues are some of your TOP concerns for your child with arthritis.   And while you recognize treatments [...]

May 2018

Team Cassie and Friends needs YOU!

By |May 11th, 2018|Scotiabank Charity Challenge|

Team Cassie and Friends will be participating in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge Run/Walk on June 24th. Wondering what this day is all about? Here are some frequently asked questions to put your mind at ease and help you get registered before race fees go up on May 18th! What happens on race day? Race day is full of excitement! Meet at our charity booth [...]

April 2018

You Matter to Kids – Annual General Meeting, April 2018

By |April 20th, 2018|News|

On Thursday, April 19th, the members of the Cassie and Friends Society Board, youth leaders and parent volunteers came together for our Annual General Meeting. We are excited to share the report provided by Cassie and Friends' Co-Founder and Board Chair, David Porte, outlining the amazing things we've been able to achieve this past [...]

August 2017

RESEARCH: What matters to you most when thinking about stopping medicines?

By |August 25th, 2017|News, Research|

One of the hardest and most nerve-wracking decisions for children and teens with juvenile arthritis (also called juvenile idiopathic arthritis) and their parents is deciding when to stop medicines. The doctors from Pediatric Rheumatology at the BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, BC, Canada are working with other researchers based at Rutgers University (NJ) and from [...]

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