Welcome to Cassie + Friends’

School Engagement Hub

We believe in empowering schools to make a meaningful impact on the lives of children and families affected by Juvenile Arthritis (JA) and other rheumatic diseases. Explore the exciting opportunities below to bring your school community together in support of a pain-free future for kids!

1. Run for a Cause: School Run Ambassador Program

Become a School Run Ambassador and organize a run/walk event at your school. Show our inspiring video to raise awareness and plan a run that promotes physical activity while supporting Cassie + Friends. For detailed instructions, check out our School Run Ambassador Program.

2. Host a Fundraiser at Your School

Turn your school events into fundraising opportunities! Organize activities like bake sales or partner with Fundscrip to raise funds. To get started, contact info@cassieandfriends.ca

3. Volunteer Opportunities for Students

Engage students in giving back to the community. Join our Family Day Volunteer Program or explore year-round volunteer opportunities that offer valuable leadership experience. Contact us at info@cassieandfriends.ca for more details.

4. Educational Resources: Bring JA Awareness to Your Classroom

Utilize our educational resources to introduce JA awareness into your curriculum. From informative videos to classroom activities, we provide tools that help students understand the challenges of chronic diseases

Click HERE to find out more about our School Resource Toolkit for different ages!

5. Become a Cassie + Friends School Ambassador

Elevate your commitment by becoming a School Ambassador. This leadership role involves coordinating various activities, promoting awareness, and fostering a supportive community within your school. For inquiries, reach out to info@cassieandfriends.ca.

Thank you for considering Cassie + Friends as a partner in your school’s charitable initiatives. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those battling JA.

Ready to get started? Contact us for more information!