
Are you graduating from high school and planning to attend post-secondary school, or are you already a post-secondary student? Learn more about scholarships from organizations across Canada below.
Youth with Rheumatic Disease
The Dr. Bonnie Cameron Post-Secondary Scholarship is presented in honour of the inspiring work, dedication, and indefatigable energy and spirit of Dr. Bonnie Cameron and the entire Rheumatology staff at SickKids Hospital in Toronto. Patients, parents, and SickKids Staff are forever grateful for her generous spirit, engaging personality, and never give up attitude! Her patients learned to be forward looking, seek out their full potential, and flourish even under the specter of arthritis. We all learned that with Dr. Cameron behind you, anything is possible!
The scholarship assists students, who have been diagnosed by a physician and are living with inflammatory arthritis, in achieving their educational goals.
The scholarship award is $2,500.
Learn more and apply here.
Lupus Canada offers six (6) one time scholarships of $2000 to students diagnosed with lupus entering or currently enrolled in post-secondary education.
Click here for information on eligibility and to apply.
The Young Scholars program run by Take a Pain Check plans to offer more scholarships every year, creating opportunities for advancement and recognition for those living with rheumatic diseases. In 2023, we created the Stem Without Limits scholarship for post-secondary STEM students in Canada. Moving forward, we plan to offer more bursaries to young scholars, and to continue our annual STEM Without Limits scholarship. Through new scholarship programs, we aim to include more scholars from different backgrounds representing different rheumatic diseases and parts of the community. We are eager to launch a network and platform for young scholars living with disabilities to receive awards and opportunities.
Learn more and apply here.
UCB Canada Inc., a global biopharmaceutical company committed to developing innovative treatments for inflammatory arthritis diseases, such as: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. UCB Canada Inc. is dedicated to creating unique programs and tools to aid patients in reaching above and beyond the boundaries of their disease and fulfilling their educational ambitions.
Learn more and apply here.
Youth with Disabilities (including Rheumatic Disease)
Established in 2012, the AMI Scholarship Program was created to ensure that post-secondary education is available to members of the disability community. In 2016, the program was renamed the AMI Robert Pearson Memorial Scholarship in honour of Robert Pearson, AMI’s first Accessibility Officer.
The scholarship program is open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada with a permanent disability who are currently registered in and returning to a full-time program of study at an accredited Canadian post-secondary college or university. Each year AMI will award two $5,000 bursaries to two deserving students with a permanent disability; one from the English community and one from the French.
Click here for more information.
Disability Credit Canada’s mission is to help disabled Canadians receive the full benefits and credits they deserve from the Canadian government. As a Disability Benefits firm, Disability Credit Canada works closely with disabled Canadians, assisting eligible applicants to get approved for Disability Tax Credit, CPP Disability, and Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits, and recognize the unique challenges they face.
Disability Credit Canada is committed to helping young disabled Canadians achieve their goals in higher education or vocational training towards employment and we are proud to be offering the “DCCI Scholarship for Canadian Students with Disabilities”
The annual scholarship winner will be awarded $1,000 towards their tuition to an accredited Canadian post-secondary institution.
- Applicant must be currently registered to a full-time program of study in the field of study in health care, criminal justice or community & social services at an accredited Canadian post-secondary college or university
- Applicant must be a Canadian citizens or permanent resident of Canada
- Applicant must have a documented disability
- Applicant must be under 20 years of age at time of application
Learn more and apply here.
For more than 17 years, Kevin Collins served as the Executive Director of Friends of We Care, an organization composed of Foodservice and Hospitality industry members whose mission is to send kids with disabilities to accessible summer camps across Canada. During his tenure, Kevin led the group in raising over $20.5 million and established a national presence for Friends of We Care.
In February 2017, Kevin accepted the position of President and CEO at Easter Seals Ontario, an organization that assists children with physical disabilities and their families. The move provided Kevin the opportunity to come full circle. He was born with cerebral palsy, attended Easter Seals camps for eight summers and was the first Easter Seals ambassador “Timmy” in 1976.
Kevin’s determination to not let anything stand in his way exemplifies what it means to focus on one’s ABILITY, not disability. Friends of We Care is proud to present this award to future leader to help them realize their career ambitions.
Applicants must:
- Have a disability
- Have at least one full semester left in their post-secondary education
Learn more and apply here.
The purpose of the Lisa Huus Memorial Fund is to provide bursaries, in the range of $500 – $5,000 annually per recipient, to assist persons with disabilities in funding their post-secondary education at an accredited post-secondary institution in British Columbia or Alberta. Bursaries may be used for items such as tuition fees, textbooks, equipment, transportation, residence and support worker costs.
Lisa Pauline Huus was a pioneer for people with disabilities seeking access to mainstream education in British Columbia. She was the first student with a significant disability (Muscular Dystrophy) to attend the BC public school system, in Victoria, British Columbia, and graduated from Claremont Senior Secondary School in 1985. She continued to be a trailblazer for other students with disabilities and went on to study at the University of Victoria. She was a third-year sociology student when she passed away.
Learn more and apply here.
- Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
- Applicants must be living with a permanent, persistent or prolonged disability.
- Applicants must be currently enrolled at a post-secondary institution as a full-time student.
- Applicants must be still enrolled in their studies at the time when the grant/scholarship is awarded.
Learn more and apply here.
Check out for more scholarship opportunities!
Community Leadership and Volunteer Experience
Learn more here.
Loran identifies students ready to embrace the challenge of leaving the world better than they found it. We look for young people with a guiding sense of purpose, the capacity to collaborate to drive change, an enthusiasm to grow by pushing their limits, and the potential to serve and lead with integrity.
Learn more here.
Have you shown leadership in helping to make a meaningful and lasting difference in your community? We’d love to hear about your community leadership efforts and what inspired you to get involved. We’re more interested in the mark you’re making in the world than the marks you’re getting in the classroom. This scholarship program is open to student leaders with an average of 75% and up (outside Quebec), or a minimum R score of 26 in Quebec, who are helping to support positive change in their communities.
The TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are available to students who are helping to support change, nurture progress and contribute to making the world a better place, in their communities.
Learn more here.
Eligibility Criteria
Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards are open to students of all abilities.
To be considered for the Award, applicants must be:
- In good academic standing.
- Canadian citizens or landed immigrants.
- Students graduating from secondary (high) school or students completing their first year of CÉGEP or students who have completed secondary (high) school
- Involved in voluntary humanitarian activities (for which they have not been compensated).
- Planning to or are already studying towards their first university degree or diploma at a Canadian post-secondary institution, or entering their 2nd year of CÉGEP in the upcoming academic year.
Terry Fox Award Recipients are eligible to receive the Award until they graduate with their first university degree or diploma (for a maximum of four years), provided they maintain satisfactory academic standing and a standard of humanitarian work and personal conduct which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, justifies the award.
The maximum value of the award is $28,000, dispersed over four (4) years. A stipend of $7,000 is issued directly to the institution each year in two installments of $3,500, one in September and one in January.
Learn more here.
Additional Scholarships
The Beedie Luminaries Scholarship is for students with potential who are facing financial and other life adversities. Students who are smart, but constrained by circumstance. Students who are resilient and gritty. Students who are ready to make a positive change in their lives.
We offer five comprehensive programs that support Grade 12 students, single parents, refugee and immigrants, graduate students, and aspiring tradespeople in their pursuit of further education.
Learn more here.
The District/Authority scholarship is awarded to 5,500 high school graduates who have demonstrated excellence in their chosen area.
The Ministry of Education and Child Care sets core eligibility requirements and general guidelines; local scholarship committees determine awarding criteria and select their conditional recipients.
The Ministry confirms that the selected students have meet basic criteria and then sends these confirmed recipients a $1,250 scholarship voucher. They may redeem this voucher with the Ministry to be reimbursed for tuition paid after they are attending a post-secondary institution that is designated by the Province of B.C. (i.e., approved for Canada Student Loans) or a program provider that is approved by SkilledTradesBC.
Students have five years to redeem their District/Authority scholarship vouchers; an expiry date is printed on each voucher and extensions are not possible.
Learn more here.

Looking to chat with a peer who has experience filling out scholarships? We’ve got you covered through our Youth Mentorship Program!

So you’re filling out scholarship applications? That must mean you’re going through some other big changes. Whether it’s post-secondary, jobs, relationships, travel or more, we have all the information you need to guide the way on our Beyond Transition page.