Giving back is deeply rooted in the culture of Vancouver-based Nicola Wealth Management, and this year the Nicola Wealth Gives Back Charitable Giving Committee is showing just how deep that commitment goes when it comes to supporting both kids with arthritis, and their own staff. 

Cassie and Friends is pleased to announce Nicola Wealth as our new “Champion for Kids” level donor with a staggering $22,000 raised by the firm for kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. Their gift includes a $10,000 commitment by Nicola Wealth Management and an additional $12,000+ raised by the dedicated Nicola Wealth Management for Kids team in the Vancouver Scotiabank Charity Challenge 5k and Half Marathon!

Nicola Wealth Management has had a long-time business relationship with Cassie and Friends’ founder and Real-Estate Developer, David Porte who started the charity after his own daughter, Cassie, was diagnosed with arthritis at 20 months. When Nicola Wealth Management learned their own staff member, Financial Planner Brad Coutts’ daughter Linnaea, 13, was also affected by juvenile arthritis, they decided to step up for kids with arthritis in this big way.

Linnaea, who was diagnosed at age 11, suffered for years with severe hip pain that left her unable to participate in activities and sometimes school. Her parents watched her endure countless x-rays, specialists and other tests while they desperately tried to figure out what was wrong.

After trying lots of different medications, Linnaea was eventually given a steroid joint injection into her hip followed by another in her ankle as the inflammation spread). She was also started on a biologic medication called Humira that’s administered by home injection every two weeks. Despite hating the needles she must endure (and sometimes having breakthrough pain and fatigue), Linnaea is now back to Irish Dancing – an activity she loves.

Thankful for Linnaea’s progress and the support they’ve received from Cassie and Friends Society, the Coutts family is now determined to help others, including doctors, become more aware of JIA so no other kids and families have to suffer in pain and face permanent joint damage. 

On Sunday, June 24th, the Coutts family, along with 19 of Brad’s colleagues, will be running as Nicola Wealth Management for Kids in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge as part of Team Cassie and Friends to continue their efforts to raise juvenile arthritis awareness and support other kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis!

Thank you Coutts Family and the entire Nicola Wealth Management team! You truly are Champions for Kids!!

Join us! To support kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, please consider making a gift to Nicola Wealth for Kids or to the Coutts Family fundraising page for Cassie and Friends! Thanks to Philanthropist Yvette Porte your gift will be doubled until July 23rd, 2018, up to $50,000. Donate here.