November 2020

I have different experiences with different ophthalmologists. One will administer or ask me to administer Cyclogyl drops before the appointment while another does not use the drops to look into the eye looking for a flareup. I do get anxious about the two different processes. Can the eye be fully seen to find the flare without the Cyclogyl?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

Recently, a group of Canadian pediatric rheumatologists, pediatric ophthalmologists and patients and parents have been working together to develop standardized approaches for monitoring and treating children with uveitis associated with JIA.  It was felt important to develop standardized approaches because there is some variability in how children with JIA uveitis are managed. The specific [...]

How can we support uveitis treatment as parents at home? What actions can we undertake to support our child?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

While the doctors can diagnose and monitor uveitis and prescribe medical treatments, it is essential for everyone on the care team, which includes parents and the patient, to recognize that, depending on the severity of the uveitis, other facets of the child's life can be affected. If parents realize that there can be effects [...]

With the current treatment that you are using on your patients, what are the expected outcomes?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

At the present time we can make decisions about treatments based on experiences from large groups of patients with similar conditions.  However, the conclusions we make about the diseases and the treatments from studying the group as a whole do not always precisely apply to individual patients within the group; there is considerable variable [...]

My child has been uveitis free for two years now. She is on methotrexate injections. Is it safe to try methotrexate pills again?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

Recently, a group of Canadian pediatric rheumatologists, pediatric ophthalmologists and patients and parents have been working together to develop standardized approaches for monitoring and treating children with uveitis associated with JIA .  It was felt important to develop standardized approaches because there is some variability in how children with JIA uveitis are managed. In [...]

What should we focus on while researching underlying causes for uveitis to help with the treatment (as parents)?

By |November 9th, 2020|, , |

Research is crucial to advancing knowledge about the causes, mechanisms, and treatment for uveitis. In all our research now, including our studies relating to uveitis and childhood arthritis, we ensure that parents and patients are represented on our research teams.  We feel it is important for patients and parents to contribute their ideas and [...]

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