November 2020

If the patient seems to respond great to naproxen/NSAID and cortisone, what would be the reasoning for starting methotrexate or another second-line agent? Would part of it be in hopes of coming off the NSAID?

By |November 6th, 2020|, |

In our treatment of JIA, we often initially start with NSAID (e.g. naproxen) and may use corticosteroid joint injections for a few large joints. If this allows patients to achieve remission, then typically a disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) such as methotrexate is not required. However, if there is any residual disease activity after [...]

October 2020

If my oligo child now also has TMJ involvement, is that still considered Oligo? And how aggressive should this joint be treated?

By |October 28th, 2020|, |

Involvement of the TMJ joint is very common in JIA and is most often without symptoms like pain or stiffness. Most commonly, a pediatric rheumatologist notices changes in the movement of the TMJ or growth of the jaw bones which prompts an evaluation for TMJ disease with an MRI.  TMJ involvement does occur in [...]

August 2020

Are there any sports children with JIA should avoid?

By |August 17th, 2020|, |

Children who have had arthritis affecting their neck should be screened for instability in that area before participation in any contact sports. Children should be reminded to wear protective eye equipment as per the general population. For children who have had uveitis, there might be an increased risk of eye injury in some sports. [...]

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