November 2020

Does turmeric have an effect on inflammation?

By |November 19th, 2020||

Turmeric is a flowering plant from the ginger family. Curcumin is bright yellow and comes from turmeric roots used in cooking. Both turmeric and curcumin have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can be a part of healthy eating. However there is little specific evidenced-based research that shows that turmeric or curcumin are able to [...]

How much protein should be consumed?

By |November 19th, 2020||

The World Health Organization says that children need at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram body weight every day to meet protein needs for growth and development. This is why a source of protein is recommended for every meal and ideally in every snack. Try plant based proteins more often, including nuts and [...]

What are the effects of a vegan diet?

By |November 19th, 2020||

There is little evidence that shows that vegetarian or vegan diets are better at controlling inflammation or treating childhood rheumatic conditions. However a theme that aligns with a healthy diet and is encouraged is eating vegetables and whole grains more often. Vegetarian or vegan diets may also be important for cultural or religious beliefs, [...]

What is the impact of dairy on inflammation?

By |November 19th, 2020||

There is little evidence that shows that dairy causes or treats inflammation. However dairy or milk-based products contain many nutrients and active compounds, including calcium, vitamin D, healthy fats and proteins. While Health Canada no longer focuses on dairy as a food group, it can still be part of tasty, healthy eating. Just be [...]

What is the impact of gluten on inflammation?

By |November 19th, 2020||

There is little evidence that shows that eliminating gluten is effective for treating rheumatic conditions in children. Gluten is protein naturally found in the grains including wheat, barley, rye and triticale. It is also found in many packaged, preserved foods as a filler. More research is needed to better understand if gluten has any [...]

Are there any specific foods to avoid?

By |November 19th, 2020||

There are no specific foods that should be eliminated from the diet of children with rheumatic conditions in order to treat the disease. There are foods however that should be limited.   Limit foods rich in simple sugars such as sugary cereals, sugary yogurts, treats such as donuts or cereal bars, and fruit juices. Foods [...]

Are there foods that help decrease inflammation?

By |November 19th, 2020||

There are no specific foods that have been shown to treat rheumatic conditions in children.  There is also no evidence that avoiding foods labeled as “pro-inflammatory” can treat rheumatic conditions. We think of “treatment” as something (e.g. medication, physiotherapy) that decreases the underlying inflammation and damage associated with the condition. We do know that [...]

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