December 2020

Is there any research about hyper IgD syndrome and anxiety?

By |December 22nd, 2020||

Anxiety is very common amongst the general population of children and teens.  We also know that some children with hyper-IgD syndrome have significant effects of this auto-inflammatory disorder on the brain during development, resulting in neuro-behavioral issues.  Anxiety might be one behavior that results from the difficulty coping with daily routines that are challenging [...]

My 14-year old (diagnosed at age 1) has selective mutism and finds it very difficult to talk to her medical team. I am worried about the transition to adult care, any suggestions?

By |December 22nd, 2020||

There are numerous professionals with expertise in treating selective mutism.    Addressing the selective mutism might help your teen and you to feel more confident when she transitions to adult care.  In addition, talk to your pediatric rheumatology team, and together you can develop a plan specific for your teen that will take into [...]

I am most curious where the research lies on the physiological implications of JIA on neuropsychiatric development.

By |December 22nd, 2020||

I assume you are talking about neuropsychiatric disorder such as ADHD, Tourettes, and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.  It is important to know that these disorders are common in the general population of children, so we do see children who may have BOTH JIA and a neurodevelopmental disorder. Research has not shown higher rates [...]

What are the common pharmacological treatments used to treat anxiety and depression in children/teens with rheumatic diseases?

By |December 22nd, 2020||

SRIs (serotonin-reuptake inhibitors) have been shown to offer benefit to some individuals for anxiety and depression.   Medications might be something to consider for those with moderate to severe symptoms and when there is substantial functional impact from the symptoms.  As for children/youth with rheumatic disease, you will need to talk with your prescribing [...]

How do I know if I or my child have depression?

By |December 22nd, 2020||

Keep an eye out for those common presenting behaviours that often present with children/teens who are experiencing mood challenges.  They include the following:   Irritability/anger, moody Persistent sadness or feelings hopelessness, worthlessness or having excessive guilt Not enjoying things they used to enjoy Behavioural concerns (increase in defiance or tantrums, clingy Withdrawn Changes in energy [...]

Do you have any ideas on how to reduce anxiety when it comes to needles and giving biologics? My child already seems to have needle phobia and at such a young age.

By |December 22nd, 2020||

Yes, there are many things that can be done to reduce anxiety about receiving needles.  For some parents, this means coming up with a coping plan- things like using distraction, giving the child a sense of control by offering options (e.g., where the injection goes, look away, using numbing cream, identifying distractions to use).  [...]

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