February 2021

How can I know what my child’s physical activity threshold is if they aren’t experiencing pain? Any suggestions for how to monitor them in this situation?

By |February 22nd, 2021|, |

Many kids with arthritis actually don’t experience pain. If their arthritis is in remission then no need to limit. If they have mildly active disease then I usually don’t limit them too much. If they have big swollen joints then I try to limit heavy, pounding exercises such as running, jumping repetitively or from [...]

Many kid sports programs start at age 3-5, my daughter was diagnosed with JIA this past year at age 3. Should we hold off before trying out sports until we are certain she is in remission?

By |February 1st, 2021||

This is a great question to ask your pediatric rheumatologist who will be able to tell you if your child is in remission. Some physical activity, in the form of sports, may still be possible depending on which joints are involved and how active the arthritis is. At this young age the risks of [...]

How do we know when it is JIA pain vs other pains and how can we recommend activity limits when we are unsure?

By |February 1st, 2021|, |

This is one of challenges for children with JIA who play sports. It is a common question that your pediatric rheumatologist is asked and they can review individual circumstances. In general, JIA pain due to an active joint will be sore every day, regardless of activity, and it may be more significant in the [...]

August 2020

Are there any sports children with JIA should avoid?

By |August 17th, 2020|, |

Children who have had arthritis affecting their neck should be screened for instability in that area before participation in any contact sports. Children should be reminded to wear protective eye equipment as per the general population. For children who have had uveitis, there might be an increased risk of eye injury in some sports. [...]

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