November 2020

My daughter has been diagnosed with panuveitis. Could you elaborate on the condition or possibly describe the main differences between uveitis and panuveitis?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

The uveal tract, which is the middle layer of the eye, is that part of the eye that becomes inflamed in uveitis. As shown in the figure the uveal tract extends from the very back of the eye to the very front, ending as the iris (the colored part of the eye surrounding the pupil).  [...]

How often do patients go into remission? I have had inflammation in my eye for 7 years now and I can’t seem to get rid of it.

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

The course and outcomes of uveitis, including uveitis associated with juvenile arthritis, are variable; some children will have ongoing lingering disease activity and others can go into long-term control (remission).  At the present time we can make decisions about treatments based on experiences from large groups of patients with similar conditions.  However, the conclusions [...]

Do children with uveitis ever grow out of it?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

We don't have enough information to answer this question precisely but it is almost certainly true that with early diagnosis, careful monitoring and use of new medications the possibility of permanent remission increases. I wouldn't say children can "outgrow" uveitis exactly but with proper treatment the abnormal process that gives rise to the uveitis [...]

What medical exam can diagnose abnormal intestinal microbiome?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

Assessing the microbiome is a complex, laboratory-based process. Doctors cannot effectively assess the microbiome by asking the patient questions or by findings on a physical examination.  To effectively assess the intestinal microbiome a stool sample needs to be collected and processed in the laboratory so that the molecular and genetic characteristics of the bacteria [...]

Is there any link between a mother’s use of antibiotics during pregnancy affecting the child’s microbiome?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

This is a fascinating question and one for which there is accumulating but still minimal information.  There is some evidence that maternal use of antibiotics either before or during pregnancy or at the time of labor might result in changes in the microbiome of the child born to that mother. There have been no [...]

What are the effects of having long term uveitis? Are flares the only time to worry about? Do eyes degrade similar to joints?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

Long term effects of uveitis can be minimized by prompt diagnosis, consistent monitoring, and appropriate use of medications.  Some of the main effects that can occur and which we try to avoid with therapy include the following: Decrease in vision:  When there is inflammation in the eye, such as occurs with uveitis, there can [...]

With the current treatment that you are using on your patients, what are the expected outcomes?

By |November 9th, 2020|, |

At present, we can decide treatments based on experiences from large groups of patients with similar conditions.  However, the conclusions we make about the diseases and the treatments from studying the group as a whole do not always precisely apply to individual patients within the group; there is considerable variability in how individual patients [...]

What should we focus on while researching underlying causes for uveitis to help with the treatment (as parents)?

By |November 9th, 2020|, , |

Research is crucial to advancing knowledge about the causes, mechanisms, and treatment for uveitis. In all our research now, including our studies relating to uveitis and childhood arthritis, we ensure that parents and patients are represented on our research teams.  We feel it is important for patients and parents to contribute their ideas and [...]

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