September 2021

What are some of the commonly used biologics for treated ERA?

By |September 23rd, 2021|, |

Biologics used to treat ERA include adalimumab (Humira or biosimilar), etanercept (Enbrel or biosimilar) and infliximab (Remicade or biosimilar). Some patients with ERA have another associated condition like uveitis or inflammatory bowel disease. In these cases, this would affect which biologic you would select in discussion with your health care team. [...]

Do you have any comments on new peptide-based therapies being used to treat arthritis in adults? Are there any research studies for the use of this treatment within pediatric rheumatology?

By |September 20th, 2021|, |

At this time, most of the research for peptide-based therapies has been in animal models of rheumatoid arthritis with some promising results. More studies are needed in humans to determine whether these are feasible and effective treatments. Typically novel therapies are developed and tested in adults before they are studied in pediatric patients.  [...]

If a child has no active disease present (doesn’t appear in labs and physical exams) but does have occasional morning and overuse stiffness, would that child be considered to have a higher risk of flaring up off medication? Would it be inadvisable to stop medication while experiencing stiffness?

By |September 20th, 2021|, |

At present, it is not known what factors- symptoms, lab tests, or disease type- put a patient at higher risk of flare off medication.  Your doctor is the best to evaluate whether the symptoms you describe are due to active inflammation, or perhaps due to other issues. 

If Biologic treatments are in place for years, including throughout remission, would that increase the remission period?

By |September 20th, 2021|, |

We do not know if taking a biologic treatment for a longer period will influence the chance of a long lasting remission of disease.  Each patient is very individual, and other factors, such as type of disease and previous flares, likely have influence over chance for disease remission off medications.

How are biosimilars derived?

By |September 20th, 2021|, |

Both biologics and biosimilars are created in living cells. Biosimilars are drugs that are highly similar to an originator biologic that has already been approved by for use by regulatory bodies. This means that there cannot be any meaningful differences between the biosimilar and the reference drug with respect to effectiveness and safety. In [...]

If my son is starting biologics and going through puberty is there anything concerning that I should watch for?

By |September 20th, 2021|, , |

The information we have to date on use of biologic treatments in adolescents do not indicate that there should be any concern that these treatments affect puberty or development in any way. As your teen goes into his growth spurt, his doctors may change his doses to account for weight increase.  [...]

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