Intro/Welcome by Jennifer Wilson – 00:00 

Jennifer Introduces Colleen and Caden – 07:00

Colleen and Caden Castonguay reflect on personal experiences with Injections – 07:30

Jennifer thanks Colleen and Caden and introduces Dr. Johnson – 18:00

Dr. Johnson explains the medical perspective on injections (trigger warning: images of needles) – 20:00

Jennifer thanks Dr. Johnson and introduces Lynne – 33:00 

What to expect after the medication is prescribed with Lynne Broderick – 35:00

Jennifer thanks Lynne and introduces Dr. Birnie – 42:00 

Strategies to make injections less anxiety-inducing with Dr. Birnie – 44:00

Jennifer thanks Dr. Birnie and all speakers, introduces Julie and starts the Q&A section – 1:09:00

Live Q&A 01:11:00 (46)

How can I know if my child’s resistance is needle phobia, fear of needle pain, or fear of the way the medication makes them feel? –  01:12:00

When did you recognize that you needed to reach out for more help regarding injections? – 1:13:00

How do you know when to look for alternatives for injections, such as oral medications? How do you work with your healthcare professional to achieve that? – 1:14:00

Julie talks about her personal experiences and the resource she has created for the injection process (which will be posted on the Cassie + Friends website) – 1:16:00

What are the experiences like with Hulio or Amgevita? (bad experiences with Humira autoinjector) – 1:20:00

What can be done at infusions if they are having trouble keeping the vein open? – 1:23:00

Do you have any position recommendations for 5-9-year-olds given that we have 2 adults in the home? – 1:25:00

Are there any issues with doing the methotrexate injection in the same place weekly? – 1:28:00

Besides bribery, what tactics can I use to get my child to take their injections? – 1:31:00

Thank you and closing remarks by Jennifer Wilson – 1:33:00