Many kids with arthritis actually don’t experience pain. If their arthritis is in remission then no need to limit. If they have mildly active disease then I usually don’t limit them too much. If they have big swollen joints then I try to limit heavy, pounding exercises such as running, jumping repetitively or from a height, trampoline, moguls etc. even if they don’t have pain. Some things to watch for can be the quality of the child’s movement. Even if they don’t verbally complain of pain you may see them alter how they are performing the movement if you watch closely (do they start to put more weight or use one limb more than the other). Another thing to look for is if they seem to be in pain later (they have done too much) or if they look stiff or painful in the joints the next morning. If any of these things are happening it is good to encourage a break in the activity. If you don’t notice anything until the next day or that night then reflect on what they did (ex. 2 hours of skating) and the next time plan to half that (1 hour of skating) and see how they do. It often is a bit of trial and error!