December 2020

October 2020


By |October 28th, 2020|

Learn about the JIA-PaCER 2021 Program In a partnership between UCAN CAN-DU, Cassie + Friends Society and the University of Calgary Continuing Education, JIA-PaCER was a 12-month, part-time, fully-funded, virtual program where applicants learned alongside other youth about how to conduct research with, by and for patients in their communities. At the end of the [...]

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September 2020

June 2020

Cassie + Friends partners with SickKids to help teens conquer pain

By |June 24th, 2020|Current Research, News, Pain Tips|

Are you wondering how your child can learn to manage pain on their own? Is your teen with rheumatic disease looking for a way to stay motivated, monitor their symptoms and track how they’re feeling on a day-to-day basis? We’ve teamed up with SickKids on a research study to bring the iCanCope with Pain [...]

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