6.5 million people are affected by arthritis in Canada and about 24,000 of them are children.

Cassie + Friends is just for them.

Kids like Audrey (pictured right) – diagnosed at just 18 months – need our help to make sure their health and futures are a priority, even beyond the dedicated care from their families and healthcare teams.

Kids get arthritis…period.

We want to change the conversation from ‘kids get arthritis too’ to a clear and compelling call to government, healthcare, schools and the wider community to recognize and resource Juvenile Arthritis for what it is – one of the most common causes of chronic disability in kids in Canada and a major threat to children’s health and lives.

Our goal is to develop a Canada-wide action plan that ensures the 24,000 affected youth in Canada get:

  • Diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible
  • World-class care and access to medications
  • A vibrant community of support and education
  • Research for a cure

To get there, we need your voice and your support. You are a vital part of our community.

Some easy ways to get started are to:


Jennifer Wilson
Executive Director