Will you join Mark as part of our CREW?

There are lots of ways to show your support for the Juvenile Arthritis community on #GivingTuesday – like, share, educate and, of course, donate. To get inspired, we thought you might like to meet Mark from our Vancouver CREW. On Nov 30th, we hope you’ll join Mark and our CREW of parents/friends all across Canada who are working to advance research and care for kids with Juvenile Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases with Cassie + Friends.

Dear Families and Friends of Cassie + Friends, 

My son, Owen, was first diagnosed with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (SJIA) when he was eight (8). Nine years later and soon to transition to an adult, Owen is still living with SJIA.

Over the years, I have come to appreciate the fact that the best hope for defeating this affliction is through research. Research laboratories like Dr. Brown’s (see link below) at BC Children’s Hospital are at the forefront of ground-breaking research for our kids.

Research however takes funding. Sadly, research labs are chronically underfunded, and pediatric research labs even more so. Labs like Dr. Brown’s rely on government grants, which are unstable funding models, fraught with uncertainty and a competitive landscape.

To alleviate this funding uncertainty, I invite you to join me in becoming a monthly donor or yearly donor to Cassie + Friends. This will mark the fifth year that I will be making monthly donations to Cassie + Friends for Pediatric Arthritis research. No gift is too small and every dollar matters. When we all chip in, we can make great things happen. 

Yours truly, 

Mark Roxborough 

Vancouver, BC  

How can you join parents like Mark in supporting Cassie + Friends this #GivingTuesday? Here are four easy ways:
  • Read more about Cassie + Friends support of the Brown Lab and their mission to find safer and more effective treatments for kids living with rheumatic conditions.
  • Join Mark as a monthly donor to Cassie + Friends – even just $10 a month makes a huge difference!
  • Make a gift on #GivingTuesday (Nov 30th) to enhance care and research at your own clinic through the Cassie + Friends Care and Research Network (CREW).
  • Share Mark’s post by email or on social media to let people know how childhood rheumatic disease has touched your own life or family’s.
By |November 25th, 2021|CREW, sJIA|0 Comments

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