In the final stretch to race day with Team Cassie and Friends in the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon and 5km Charity Challenge, we are thrilled to announce our “Champions for Kids” level donors – a circle of our most committed friends who have stepped up to support kids and families affected by Juvenile Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases at the $10,000+ level.

Today, we are proud to announce Trillium Projects as our first Champion for Kids-level donor of 2018! Their gift of $10,000 brings our current team fundraising total from$88,806 to a jaw-dropping $98,806!!!

Trillium Projects is a Vancouver based construction and project management company with over 20-years of experience developing over one billion dollars of real estate ranging from townhomes and condominiums, to senior assisted dwellings and custom homes.  In 2017, Trillium supported Cassie and Friends with a $5000 gift and we couldn’t be more excited they have decided to increase their support for 2018.

By becoming a Champion-level donor, Trillium is demonstrating their strong support of kids and families and making a major commitment to Cassie and Friends’ core and developing programming – Family Day, our Kids on the Block School Show, Parent to Parent Support Program, critical research and other initiatives in various stages of planning.

Most importantly our Champions, like Trillium, share our vision for a better future for kids with Juvenile Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. The donation from Trillium Projects will help Cassie and Friends provide more programming and support to more kids and families than ever before.

“Trillium is a company that places enormous value on family and believes in taking care of our community. We were shocked to learn just how common arthritis in children can be,” says Katherine Hamilton, Partner. “And yet, not many people know about the disease! We are proud to come back for a second year to support Team Cassie and Friends and do our part to make sure juvenile arthritis doesn’t stand in the way of any child’s dreams.”

Thank you Trillium Project Management, you truly are an amazing Champion for Kids!!!

To join Trillium in their support of kids and families affected by Juvenile Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, please consider making a gift to our team. Thanks to Philanthropist Yvette Porte your gift will be doubled until July 23rd, 2018, up to $50,000. Donate here.